
Follow new updates and improvements to TorBox.

November 10th, 2024





  • Users now get rate limit errors when adding too much via the Dashboard.

  • Virtualizes search results list so that there is no lag when searches return a lot of results (>200).

  • Adds referral data to subscriptions page so you can see:

    • The number of referred accounts that currently use your code.

    • The total number of purchases your referrals have made using your code.

    • The total number of days earned by your referrals using your code.

    • The total amount of money or value you have theoretically saved by referring.

  • Shows success notification when deleting an item from the dashboard.

  • Puts integrations page behind authentication meaning you have to be logged in to view it.

  • Changes wording of a lot of sections on the main pages.

  • Fixes not all search results showing on search.

  • Deleting an account now requires a confirmation code to be entered which prevents accidental deletions. This was a highly requested and extremely necessary fix.

  • Brand new settings page layout!

  • Adds subscription section to account settings section so that you can manage your subscriptions right from the TorBox website.

  • Adds section for deleting all of your TorBox downloads. Good to purge your account.


  • API now returns normalized dates in the format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ. Previously, this was causing issues with some integrations having to write custom parsers as TorBox would include nanoseconds in response times. This also standardizes the entire API to use UTC time.

  • Adds remark about dates on Main API docs.

  • Updates rate limiting for creating downloads. More information at Main API docs.

  • TorBox now keeps track of how many purchases you have referred, and how many users currently use your referral code. This information can be found at the new route /users/referraldata

  • You can send an IP to the /xxx/requestdl routes using the parameter user_ip which will allow you to basically choose the CDN that your user will receive. This is useful for integrations where a main API is making all of the requests, but you still want the user to use the CDN. API DOCS.

  • On the routes /xxx/mylist the API only returns a 404 for empty requests if the id parameter is given.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: On the routes /xxx/checkcached the API now returns an empty object or list if the cache returns nothing. (Yes we will be keeping this endpoint, it’s not going anywhere).

  • Adds Baidu, Twitch, and HexUpload to supported in JDownloader2.

  • Upped rate limits to 60/hour for all creation endpoints (/torrents/createtorrent, etc).

  • You can now request confirmation codes for all sorts of future uses. Right now, it is being used to verify account deletion requests, it will be used for verification of accounts for dangerous things. API DOCS.

  • Allows force starting a queued download from the API (will be added to the UI in coming updates).


  • Allows RSS feeds to include links in <enclosure>. Previously we only allowed links in <link></link> .

  • Fixes modifying RSS feeds.

  • Usenet downloads now download at over 800MB/s.

  • Processing downloads are now much faster thanks to insanely fast transfers to our storage servers (over 3x improvement from 250MB/s to nearly 1000MB/s).

  • We are now using our new homemade CDN system to serve new or very popular files, which should increase the download speeds from the majority of our user base.

    • Users in the west side of the world (United States of America, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, etc) now get access to our new CDN system. If the file meets all of the criteria, it will be available to download from

    • Users in the eastern side of the world (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc) now also get access to our new CDN system. if the file meets all of the criteria, it will be available to download from

      • We are also throwing countries such as New Zealand, Australia in this list for the time being as they users in these countries will benefit from the APAC region (as it’s closer than the EU).

    • This does not affect download speeds for files served over WebDAV, FTP, Tinfoil, or any other download method not part of our web storage system (

    • This also does not affect zip downloads such as those from

    • This is completely automatic, and already works with all integrations that use the request download API endpoint, and is based on the client’s region as determined by Cloudflare.

    • If you are not in these regions, such as in the EU, you will still be served files from, from our servers in the Netherlands, no CDN is needed for you!

  • Normal download speeds from TorBox should be much faster! We have noticed differences at about 10-15% increase (from links).

  • The “file could not be retrieved” propagation error should be now completely eradicated! As soon as a download is marked as “Ready to Download” it will actually mean that, ready to download!

  • TorBox now supports downloading from Twitch and Baidu! Simply put in a Twitch or Baidu link (and an optional password), and it will download like normal (no status updates right now).

  • Much more reliable debrid downloads. Previously we were seeing failures at up to 30%, now we have seen it down to under 2%. Failures can be due to many different conditions.

  • Faster debrid downloads. Downloads should now start downloading instantly. Previously there was a queue, and if there were a lot in front of yours it could take a long time to begin. We have now fixed this issue.

  • A standard notification is now sent after a purchase was made with a referral code to the user purchasing (the referee).

  • Storage files now reset their expiry every request to allow for things like pausing for an hour and such.

  • Allows more than 1000 torrents to be requested at one time, up to 10000. This allows you to show 10000 on the webdav.

  • Better reliability during processing to reduce failed transfers.

  • Payment confirmations now have a dedicated email so that you know for sure your payment has been processed (along with the standard notifications).

  • Torrents are now checked for illicit content, such as CSAM.

  • A dedicated email is now sent when your account is deleted.

  • Enables limits for specific debrid hosters. This allows for us to better manage abuse of our systems.

Stremio Addon

  • Slightly optimizes searching speeds.

  • Torrent searches now includes searches from Zilean.


  • Fixes logging into FTP with capitalization in the email.

Search API

Discord Bot

  • The Discord bot is now a Discord verified bot!

Speed Test

  • The speed test page now includes test files for the US and Singapore CDN’s.

November 3rd, 2024



Search API

  • Searches by query should be a lot more accurate when searching titles.


  • Optimized the dashboard to reduce lag with dashboards that have a lot of downloads that get updates.

  • Adds referral banner on subscription page.

  • Better explanation of referrals on the subscription page.

  • Adds TorBox partners site to footer.

  • Adds StremThru Integration to integrations page.

  • Adds setup guide for Kodi POV addon to integrations page.


  • On the /mylist endpoints, if there are no results for the request parameters, it will give a 404 with a specific error, instead of a 200 and success response.

  • Adds new Vendors API. This is still very incomplete and should not yet be used. API DOCS.


  • Fixes uploading to OneDrive is user specifies a folder.

  • New TorBox Partners site. This is where you can sign up to become a vendor for TorBox, and even create your own TorBox experience, all using TorBox’s servers. More information about that coming soon. Currently not in full service, although, you can sign up to become a partner already.

  • Fixes downloads with some special characters in the name from properly processing.

October 23rd, 2024




v4.9 is easily our largest quality of life update of the year! We listened to your complaints, feature requests and issues, and decided to fix and implement nearly every one of them! The biggest feature request so far has been our search. Lately you would have a hard time finding exactly what you needed, with the biggest issue being by far, the torrent search. We decided to team up with Orion, who specializes in exactly that, to provide our searches for us.

Stremio Addon

  • “Your Media” in stream list selects all files that match, rather than just the first, which led to issues.

  • Fixes double (and triple) adding of torrents and Usenet downloads inside of the Stremio addon! This was an issue that affected nearly every addition of non-instant downloads, and was taking up a slot.

    • For those of you curious, the issue was that Stremio always sends a HEAD request when getting video (for getting pre-loaded information about the file), which was interpreted in our Stremio Addon as requesting the video over again. We simply deny HEAD requests and it works fine. Stremio will still work without the HEAD requests as the video information is delivered on success of the GET request (which we actually care about). You can read more about the issue here.

  • Adds Dutch language filter.

  • Stremio now relies on the Search API which uses TorBox’s new Voyager search engine.


  • Usenet credentials are now a little smarter, and won’t allow you to copy asterisks as your password anymore. It will also give an error when attempting to copy your password if not reset.

  • Adds Seanime Integration to integrations page.

  • Adds POV Kodi Addon Integration to integrations page.

  • Adds Jacktook Kodi Addon logo to integrations page.

  • Removes Dropbox Integration from integrations page.

  • Adds Orion Integration to integrations page.

  • Removes Dropbox Integration from download page.

  • Adds torrent file downloading. This allows you to download the files as a torrent, meaning you can use it through a seedbox or other applications that use .torrent files.

  • 1Fichier and GoFile integrations now show upload progress. This is helpful for monitoring their progress, as they used to only show 0% until completion or failure.

  • Removed VLC “Open In Player” option due to the lack of deep linking.

  • Hides Stremio “Open In Player” option on mobile devices due to it not being supported on mobile, only desktop. Read this issue for more.

  • Adds filter for Dutch language for Stremio in the settings.

  • Torrent and Usenet search both got an upgrade! Uses TorBox’s new Voyager search engine, which uses Orionoid.

    • Searches are now restricted to only paid users. This is due to the cost and quality of Orionoid, and our partnership with them.

    • Searches now show if the torrents are cached, right in the UI meaning you can pick instantly ready to download files.

    • Searches now also show if you already have the file in your TorBox account. This makes picking new downloads much easier and takes out the guesswork.


  • Removes Dropbox integration due to production level status requiring approval. The app was attempted to be verified but denied, disallowing any further attempts due to possibility of piracy.

  • If a torrent contains a video file, the entire download will not be zipped. This is to prevent issues with Stremio and other streaming services connected to TorBox.

  • Allows HEAD requests on download files.

  • Speeds up processing times.

    • Only calculates the MD5 hash of files that require it such as .exe, .msi, .py, and other virus prone files.

    • Speeds up zipping process by not compressing. Gives over a 5x speed boost.

Search API

  • The search API got a huge upgrade and has lots of breaking changes!

  • The search API now uses Orion in the background. Orion (or Orionoid) is a link provider which provides high quality magnet links, .torrent file downloads, and .nzb file downloads, with over 109 Million links in their database to search from all part of your paid TorBox plan!

    • This means much faster search speeds, much higher quality results, and better sorting.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Meta search changed endpoint locations to /meta/search, following the structure of the following new endpoints.

  • Usenet search allows you to search by query at /usenet/search. Output is exactly the same as searching by ID but uses a simple query instead for full text search. API DOCS.

  • Torrent search allows you to search by query at /torrents/search. Output is exactly the same as searching by ID but uses a simple query instead for full text search. API DOCS.

  • You can now pass check_cache, which allows you to easily check if any items in your search are cached by TorBox and instantly ready to download. This is available on all endpoints except the /meta routes. API DOCS.

  • You can now pass check_owned, which allows you to easily check if any items in your search are already in the user’s TorBox account. This is useful so you can possibly remove these items or label them for users so they don’t add duplicates. API DOCS.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: All searches other than the /meta now require authentication with a paid account.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removes /torrents/search from the main API. This is due to wanting to consolidate all searching to a single API.

  • Allows requesting to download a download as a .torrent file. Simply passing the torrent_file parameter will download the requested file as a .torrent file, for use anywhere. API DOCS.

  • Using the all parameter when controlling downloads (deleting, re announcing, etc) will queue the operation, due to the amount of time required to process all of a user’s downloads. Affects all /controlXXXX endpoints.

  • You can now directly queue torrents without going through checks. This is useful if you just want to queue up a few torrents over a few requests. You can send the as_queued parameter to /torrents/createtorrent and it will be added as queued. API DOCS.

October 21st, 2024





  • Adds link back to Login page on Forgot Password page.

  • Allows sorting on the dashboard! The following are options and what they do:

    • Default is the default option. It shows newest at the top, with inactive and cached at the bottom.

    • Newest puts the newest items (created time) at the top.

    • Oldest does the opposite, putting oldest items (created time) at the top.

    • Last Updated puts the most recently updated at the top. This is good for watching active downloads.

    • A to Z sorts from A to Z, pretty simple.

    • Z to A sorts opposite of the above.

  • Allows filtering on the dashboard. You can filter by preset filters or by searching for a name or a file name, which was a highly requested feature. It also resolves this issue.

    • Can filter by Usenet Downloads, Web Downloads, Torrents, Cached, Inactive, Download Ready, Active, Downloading, and Uploading.

    • Searching is a fuzzy search, and likely still needs some tuning, so if you run into any issues, especially with Kanji or Chinese characters, please let us know!

    • Searching should be performant enough, but if you run into any issues, such as with a large list with a lot of files, please let us know.

  • Sort and filter added to the settings so that you can set your account to have a default, if you don’t like the current defaults. Changing from the dashboard won’t override your settings in the settings page.

  • Better error messages when adding torrents, Usenet and web downloads. Previously the generic errors were confusing users.

  • Various style changes to front page.

  • Redesigned Avatar panel.

  • Redesigned More Info panel.

  • Changes arrow for CTA enabled site-wide announcements.

Stremio Addon

  • Fixed “Your Media” showing non-video files.


  • TorBox no longer selects cached torrents from other user’s accounts. If the torrent is actually cached, then it won’t use a slot. Previously even if the torrent was cached, it used a slot on every account that added the torrent. Now, cached torrents won’t use a slot, regardless. Resolves this issue.

  • TorBox now checks for file size on .torrent files, prior to adding to the client. Previously this would cause issues with users downloading too large of torrents from private trackers costing a lot of download quota, and counting as a leech.

    • This won’t be done for magnet links due to the time it takes to figure out the real size of the torrent before adding to a client, since it requires contact with the network.

  • Upgraded all servers to qBittorrent v5.0.0. We required API’s from their most recent update which was not available on older versions (previously v4.6.1). This should also bring more benefits such as security, and speed.

  • General service stability fixes.


  • Adds offset and limit parameters to all /mylist routes. This means that pagination is possible for users with over 1000 (the default limit) downloads to get all of their downloads in a few requests rather than not at all. API DOCS.

  • Fixes cached /torrents/torrentinfo data showing entire request response.

October 15th, 2024




  • Account statistics properly update hourly.

  • TorBox now scans for viruses on commonly infected file types. Read here for more information.


  • If there is an infected file in your download, then the zip button and batch file copier is removed. The file is also not available to download and shows a helpful message about the file.

  • Removes Long Term Storage addon from avatar section.

  • Adds setting for sort in Stremio addon. Options are:

    • Seeders/Age, sorts by most seeds or youngest (if Usenet). This is the default option.

    • Size, sorts by largest first.

    • Resolution, sorts by best resolution first.

  • Removes mobile notifications settings, and mobile app buttons from website.

  • Removes TorBox mobile app from integrations.

Stremio Addon

  • You can now set custom sorting settings for the addon. You can now sort by highest seeders (which is the default), size, and resolution. This was a highly requested feature.

  • Cached items (Instant) are always sorted by resolution, showing the highest at the top, regardless of sorting. Sorting basically only affects uncached items.

Mobile App

  • Removed mobile app from Google Play for the time being. It was out of date, had many bugs, and nearly nobody used the app (Only had about 1,300 installs). This was an executive decision due to time spent developing mobile apps being very high. We want to spend more time on real features that everyone will use, rather than only a very small portion of our users.

October 12th, 2024



  • Fixes look of subscription page on mobile devices.

  • Fixes look of login page when keyboard is active on mobile devices.

  • Fixes centering of buttons on login page on mobile devices.

  • Adds details to Usenet downloads when they go inactive.

  • Removes pause and resume buttons from Usenet and torrent downloads on the dashboard.

  • Fixes deleting queued downloads from the dashboard.

  • Made notification, profile, and additional items popup tabs match the width of the entire set of buttons making it look much better.

  • Removes ability to purchase long term storage addon.


  • Removes the long term storage addon. This was a voted decision due to costs and abuse of the addon. We never intended for the addon to be used for hoarding, which is what it introduced, which TorBox is not in a position to allow right now. This addon will be revisited in the future as it was very popular.


  • Removes the ability to pause Usenet and torrents. This was causing issues, and it was never used much anyways.

October 3rd, 2024




  • Fixes JDownloader2 Integration on download page.

  • Adds guide for FTP on the settings page.

  • Adds Copy Manifest URL for Stremio addon.

  • Adds guide for Stremio addon on the settings page.

  • Adds more info to settings items.

  • Removed “BETA” tag from FTP!

Stremio Addon

  • Makes streams easier to preview on mobile devices.

  • Better description views.

    • Descriptions no longer contain resolution as it was redundant.

    • Order now goes, Quality, Name, Size, Language, Type and Seeders (and Age respectively).

  • Fixes rate limiting issues in rare cases.

  • Fixes Your Media titles showing up incorrectly.


  • Better detection of temporary emails.


  • Fixes downloading from Tinfoil server.

October 2nd, 2024




  • Allows linking directly to addons, and one-time purchasing tabs.

  • Dashboard has new button in yellow showing addons labeled “Explore Addons”.

  • Properly fixes notification messages which overflow onto the page.

  • Changes dates on dashboard and settings to absolute dates from relative dates for user ease of use.

  • New action button on Dashboard with buttons with links to frequently wanted things. This will get more work soon, maybe something like a search will go here instead.

  • All action buttons on the Dashboard now have tooltips when you hover over them. Some users were confused at times about the buttons.


  • Fixes Usenet and Web Downloads expiring prematurely if the user has the long term storage addon.


  • Fixes folders showing as files.

  • Fixes missing files inside of folders.

  • Fixes some files showing as folders due to extension not being supported. Extensions such as .opus, .srt, .ttf were showing as folders. If you find any extensions not supported (supposed to show as files, but show as folders), please report them to us!


  • General bug fixes.

  • Properly updates the updated_at key on files when being removed from cache.

September 20th, 2024




  • Rewrite of our web download system! Previously web downloads were inefficient, slow, and unreliable. Most pressing issues have now been solved.

    • Adds support for Mega folders.

    • Downloads YouTube videos properly.

    • Adds support for YouTube playlists.

    • Adds support for Yandex Disk.

    • Adds support for

    • Better support for direct downloads.

    • Faster downloads!

    • and more!

  • Fixes some torrents not showing full size of the torrent on the dashboard.

  • More accurate download statistics.

  • Updated privacy policy.

  • Updated terms of service.

  • Better support for NZB names. This should further reduce the chances of getting “Unknown NZB Name”

  • Our TorBot AI for customer support now has knowledge about the API, so if you have an API question, feel free to ask support! The AI will attempt to answer your question as best as possible.

  • Removed transcoding video for playback on the browser. This wasn’t a very popular feature, and it ended up just causing more issues. The streaming page will now retrieve captions, as well as the video file for streaming.

    • It is important to note that not all files will be able to played anymore. For example, .mkv files will no longer work in the browser. We recommend downloading these videos and using them on your device locally.

  • Downloading zips should be more reliable as well as include file size. Speeds should be similar. Please report if you notice speeds to be slower than usual.

  • Fixes users getting signed out of the TorBox website when logging into the WebDAV or FTP servers.


  • Adds guide for JDownloader2 Plugin integration.

  • Adds guide for Ferrite integration.

  • Adds Cyberduck integration to integrations page (includes a guide).

  • Adds Filezilla integration to integrations page (includes a guide).

  • Sorts integrations in alphabetical order.


  • Adds ability to specify an ID when requesting from /mylist endpoints. Simply send an id parameter with any /mylist endpoint, and it will return data only about that id (if it exists). API DOCS.

  • Adds ability to define a password to be sent when creating a Usenet download. You can now send password as part of the form to the /createusenetdownload, and it will use that password to extract the RAR at the end of the download. API DOCS.

  • Adds ability to define a post processing option to be send when creating a Usenet download. This will define what the Usenet client does with the files after it is completed downloading. It is important to note that TorBox will still perform its own processing. API DOCS.

  • Downloading zips now comes from rather than Paths and methods are still the same.

Tinfoil Server

  • Fixes downloading.

  • Makes more secure by internally requiring API key for every download.

September 16th, 2024




  • Allows sharing cached torrents. Adds button in menu, as well as context menu. This also fixes it to work with all torrents, not just torrents created with magnet links.

  • Allows copying the magnet of all torrents. This can be found by right clicking, or tapping and holding to bring up the context menu, and under the “Extra tools” sub-menu.

  • Fixes downloads on dashboard not being added or deleted properly. You would previously have to refresh the page for a deleted download to actually disappear.

  • Allows exporting all torrents as .torrent. Previously only active torrents were able to do this.


  • Fixes some Usenet and web downloads showing permanent download speed, even after completion.

  • Now uses uploaded .nzb filenames to give a filename hint, to prevent Unknown NZB Name irregularity.

  • Fixes streaming from the TorBox website. Still has small instabilities, but we are working on it.

  • Fixes integration downloads (upload to Google Drive, upload to 1Fichier, etc).